

  1. Operating System by Neso Academy
    This is a full course of Operating System by Neso Academy. They explain difficult stuff in the clearest and easiest way.

  2. Overthewire
    Overthewire (wargames) is a helpful web to learn and practice security concepts in the form of fun-filled games. God bless OverTheWire community (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

  3. File System Interface
    This video explains the slide from Operating System Concepts textbook chapter 13 (File System Interface). Very useful for us who don’t have the text book.

  4. File System Implementation
    This video explains the slide from Operating System Concepts textbook chapter 14 (File System Implementation). Very useful for us who don’t have the text book.

  5. File System Internals
    This video explains the slide from Operating System Concepts textbook chapter 15 (File System Internals). Very useful for us who don’t have the text book.

  6. Main Memory part 1 | Main Memory part 2 | Main Memory part 3
    These videos are operating system lectures about main memory based on Operating System Concepts (9th Edition) textbook. Extremely helpful in understanding the concepts discussed in the book.

  7. Virtual Memory
    Virtual Memory lecture for Introduction to Computer Architecture from Uppsala University.

  8. Chapter 3: Processes - part 1 | Chapter 3: Processes - part 2
    Don’t worry if you don’t have the Silberschatz textbook, this course here covers the whole chapter 3 of it.

  9. Introduction to Threads
    Discussed about threads, single-threaded process, multi-threaded process, and benefits of multi-threaded programming.

  10. Process Synchronization | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RpzPerKSX0
    Well explained Process Synchronization and Deadlocks concepts by Hamid Mukhtar, Ph.D. CS from Taif University. His explanation based on Operating System Concepts book by Abraham Silberschatz et al.

  11. Process Synchronization - Problem 1 | - Problem 2 | - problem 3 | - problem 4 | - problem 5
    Variation of solved problems on Process Synchronization from GATE.

  12. CPU Scheduling
    A complete playlist about CPU Scheduling start from its introduction to problem example about CPU scheduling.

  13. Linux forum
    One of GSGS websites that helpful to solved error.

  14. Mass-Storage 1 | Mass-Storage 2
    A lecture of chapter 10 of Silberschatz’s Operating System textbook.